When you sign up for your Internet fax account; you will be
charged a monthly fee of less than five dollars, plus a fee of only
seven cents per page for sending faxes within the USA & Canada. To
see a full list of countries and fax rates,
click here. You will need
Adobe Acrobat to view this file. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat,
you can download Acrobat for free.
This will enable you to send faxes over the Internet from your
computer, using the following fax programs...
Five ElectraSoft Fax Programss to Choose from...
Interface your Computer to
all the Fax Machines in the World
via Internet and / or your fax modem!
32bit Fax: 32bit Internet Fax: FaxMail for Windows: FaxMail Network for Windows: FaxAmatic: