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First Alert Service Monitor
ElectraSoft's Internet Services Network Monitoring Software Solutions
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ElectraSoft try before you buy First Alert Service Monitor software. You will be monitoring your Web Site, Email, FTP, and other Internet Services in a few minutes from now with this full featured Service Monitor.
First Alert Service Monitor
Monitor your Web Site, Email, FTP, and other Internet Services
Turn your computer into an Internet network services monitor, and monitor web site services, email SMTP services, FTP services, or any other Internet services in the background while you work on other things in the foreground, or while you go to the beach, go fishing, read a book, or just relax.

by ElectraSoft

First Alert Service Monitor network monitoring software program. First Alert Service Monitor is a full featured Internet/network service monitoring solution. Monitor Internet protocols such as HTTP, FTP, SMTP, etc... Options include: Intuitive interface, easy view of all services, several alert options, service dependencies, run as an NT service, and many more features. Always be alerted if any of your Internet/network services are down, with First Alert Service Monitor.
First Alert Service Monitor Screen Shot
First Alert Service Monitor Tutorial.
First Alert Service Monitor Frequently Asked Questions.
[Testimonials and good reasons to buy from ElectraSoft]
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Testimonials and good reasons for using First Alert Service Monitor network monitor software program

  • Monitoring Internet network services: This free to try network monitor software is a network traffic monitor used to monitor internet network services.
  • First Alert Service Monitor is a run in Microsoft Windows network monitor tool that can be used to monitor Internet network systems. Some possible uses are as a Windows network performance monitor or as a Linux network monitor. You can use it to monitor any port oriented service such as: port 7 echo, port 21 ftp, port 23 telnet, port 25 SMTP email, port 37 time, port 43 nicname, port 53 domain, port 70 gopher, port 79 finger, port 80 http, port 109 pop2, port 110 pop3, port 143 imap, port 194 irc, port 220 imap3, port 443 https, port 444 snpp, port 465 smtps email, port 531 conference, port 990 ftps, port 992 telnets, port 993 imaps, port 994 ircs, port 995 pop3s, port 1080 socks, and port 1433 ms-sql-2.
  • Run First Alert Service Monitor as an NT Service or as a Desk Top Application.
  • The network connection monitor feature of this network monitoring software allows you to write a simple script for testing any service performance.
  • The network port monitor will monitor network status elements of a web site domain.
  • Our First Alert Service Monitor program has advanced features not found in other service monitor programs.
  • Download this network monitoring program and use it in conjunction with your other network security software.

About: First Alert Service Monitor

If you own a Web Site or any other Internet Service, you need First Alert Service Monitor!

First Alert Service Monitor network monitor software program will Monitor a Web Site service, an Email SMTP service, an FTP service, or any other Internet Services while you are busy doing other things or sleeping.

Imagine being able to go about your business and not having to worry if any of your Internet Services are failing.

If one of your Internet Services goes down, you will be alerted by any or all of these many alarms. Select Alerts include: [Error Sound], [Plays your choice of WAV files (once or Repeatedly)], [Show Alert Message box], [Send Email at Beginning of Alert], [Send Email at Ending of Alert], [Page you, Phone you], [Execute a Program]. Simple interface, activity log of monitor, specify how often to check services, how many failed checks before alarm, several types of alarms (including: sound, Email, pager, execute program, etc...), configure session logger, multiple services checked at once. Many more...

Now, this is a reality with First Alert Service Monitor.

Let me show you just how it works...

  • Install First Alert Service Monitor on your computer and it will use your Internet connection to let you always know whether or not your web site or other network services are up or down with. First Alert Service Monitor will check your service as often as have you configure it to. If your service stops responding, you will be notified in the ways you have configured and the down time will be logged. If you pay a firm to host your site or service, you should be able to get at least a partial refund from your site hosting company if any serious down time occurs. Save money with First Alert Service Monitor!

  • If one of your Internet Services goes down, you will be alerted by any or all of these many alarms. Select Alerts include: [Error Sound], [Plays your choice of WAV files (once or Repeatedly)], [Show Alert Message box], [Send Email at Beginning of Alert], [Send Email at Ending of Alert], [Page you, Phone you], [Execute a Program].

  • Start your office toward an edge in productivity. Become one of the well equipped workplaces of the future. Do it today!
  • ElectraSoft is a well established authority on emailing, ftping, web browsers, faxing and other software solutions. FREE software trial before you buy.
    First Alert Service Monitor makes you money by helping you maintain a dependable site. If your site is down, you lose money. You need a good Monitor to let you know if and when your site goes down and for how long. Monitors Internet Services and if down, alerts you with a variety of methods. Always know whether or not your web site or other network services are up or down. This Service Monitoring Software is an Internet service monitor. It monitors your Internet services, network servers, and routers. It will alert you if a service or an event fails. Supports advanced script too. Monitors Internet Services and alerts the user with a variety of methods if down. Always know whether or not your web site or other network services are up or down with First Alert Service Monitor. First Alert Service Monitor will check your site or other services as often as you have it configured to. If one of your services stops responding, you will be notified in the ways you have configured and the down time will be logged. If you pay a firm to host your site or service, you should be able to get at least a partial refund from your site hosting company if any serious down time occurs. Save money with First Alert Service Monitor! If one of your Internet Services goes down, you will be alerted by any or all of these many alarms. Select Alerts include: [Error Sound], [Plays your choice of WAV files (once or repeatedly)], [Show Alert Message box], [Send Email at Beginning of Alert], [Send Email at Ending of Alert], [Page you, Phone you], [Execute a Program]. You can use the First Alert Service Monitor[Execute Program] option to fix the problem in many cases.
Who Uses ElectraSoft Software?

ElectraSoft software is used by many well known establishments including military, government, education, medical, business, and individuals.

Some users of ElectraSoft software include, United States Armed Forces, United States Senate, University of Utah, Central Iowa Health Care System, San Diego Health Department, IBM, and millions of small businesses and individuals.

More Information
General and Upgrade InformationFirst Alert Service Monitor Readme, Upgrades
Online ManualFirst Alert Service Monitor Tutorial
Online ManualFirst Alert Service Monitor Manual
Screen ShotFirst Alert Service Monitor Screen Shot
Online Frequently Asked QuestionsFrequently Asked Questions

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